
Telecommunications industry of the Republic of Belarus includes enterprises, providing telephony, television and radio broadcasting, mobile and fixed Internet access services.
The Ministry of Communications and Informatisation of the Republic of Belarus is the central governing body, which is responsible for state regulation, coordination of work and information technologies development.
Operations and Analysis Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus is the independent regulator in the field of information and

Postal communication

Postal communication is an integral part of the industrial and social infrastructure of the Republic of Belarus and operates within its territory to meet the needs of individuals, legal entities, and state administration authorities with regard to postal services.
With the purpose of liberalization of postal services market in 2015-2017 the Ministry of Communications and Informatization issued seven special permissions (licenses) to carry out the activities in the filed of postal services rendering with regard to mailing: GloBel24 LLC, Autolightexpress LLC, DPD Bel LLC, Na

Belarus takes the 32nd position from 176 countries on the development of ICT

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has released the annual Measuring Information Society Report, which evaluates the development of information and communication technologies in the ITU Member States. According to the Report the CIS region is ranked 2nd on the ICT development index (IDI) among the 6 ITU geographical regions, behind Europe and ahead of the American region, Africa, Arab nations, and the Asian-Pacific region.

Belarus has confirmed its status as the regional leader in ICT development and maintained its position in the world ranking

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has released the annual Measuring Information Society Report, which evaluates the development of information and communication technologies in the ITU Member States. According to the Report the CIS region is ranked 2nd on the ICT development index (IDI) among the 6 ITU geographical regions, behind Europe and ahead of the American region, Africa, Arab nations, and the Asian-Pacific region.

Workshop on organization of the IT-block at the upcoming 2nd European Games took place at the Ministry of Communications and Informatization

In 2019 the Republic of Belarus will host the 2nd European Games.
A Subcommittee on information technologies was established under the Ministry of Communications in accordance with the instruction of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus given at the meeting of the Republican Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of the 2nd European Games in 2019 in the Republic of Belarus.

2017 Message from the Director General

World Post Day is celebrated each year on 9 October. The event was originally created by the 1969 Universal Postal Congress in Tokyo as a means of marking the anniversary of the Universal Postal Union"s creation in 1874.
Today, the main purpose of World Post Day is to raise awareness of the Post"s role in the everyday lives of people and businesses, as well as its contribution to global social and economic development.

The Republic of Belarus is ranked 29-th out of 148 countries according to the ranking of percentage of households connected to the Internet

Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development published the report “Broadband Status: Broadband for Sustainable Development (September 2017)". The report illustrates the dynamics of development regarding such telecommunication indicators as: broadband subscribers and households connected to the Internet.

On Belarus' participation in ITU Telecom World 2017

Delegation of Belarus headed by Minister of telecommunications and informatization Mr Sergei Popkov takes part in the annual International Telecommunication Union's event — ITU Telecom World — 2017, which is held on September 25 — 28, 2017 in Busan (Republic of Korea).

This year ITU Telecom World focuses on building smart digital society, in particular on such issues as artificial intelligence, smart banking and smart cities.