make proposals, participate in the definition and implementation of the state policy in the Republic of Belarus for more efficient use of the radio spectrum by radio-electronic means of civil and conversion; is involved in ensuring the activity of the State Commission for Radio Frequencies under the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter - the Commission), the Commission acting as the working apparatus provided by its Regulations; develops projects of radio frequency bands allocation tables between the radio services of the Republic of Belarus and the long-term plan for the use of the radio spectrum by radio-electronic means in the Republic of Belarus (in terms of radio-electronic means of civil purpose), taking into account the unification of distribution of radio frequencies and the conditions for their use in the Republic of Belarus with the international distribution of radio frequency bands; involved in organizing and conducting tenders (tenders) for the right to use the radio frequency spectrum in accordance with the instructions of the Commission; coordinates the activities of the users of the radio spectrum for the international legal protection of frequency-territorial assignment of radio-electronic means and satellite communication systems, organized on these issues corresponded with the International Telecommunication Union (hereinafter - ITU), Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications (hereinafter - the RCC) and other international organizations in the field of radio and satellite communications, communication administrations of other countries, develops proposals for international legal protection of frequency-territorial assignments of radio electronic facilities and civilian satellite communication systems; participates together with representatives of interested state bodies and organizations in the preparation of materials and the development of projects positions Communications Administration of the Republic of Belarus at the global and regional conferences, the ITU Radiocommunication, during the meeting of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus with the communication administrations of other states on the coordination of frequency-territorial assignment of radio means and satellite communication systems, the activities of the RCC and other international organizations in the field of radio and satellite communications, with a view to ensuring the protection of the interests of the Republic of Belarus on the use of radio frequency spectrum and ensuring bespomehovoy work of existing radio systems; considering the results of scientific and technical research on the use of radio spectrum, and on that basis make proposals for its allocation and effective use, taking into account the conditions of electromagnetic compatibility of radio electronic facilities and high frequency devices; analyzes and makes proposals to improve the regulatory legal acts aimed at improving the efficient use of the radio spectrum by radio-electronic means of civil purpose, the implementation of measures radio frequency conversion, improve administrative procedures implemented BelGIE, develops drafts of the relevant regulatory acts; generalizes materials of non-compliance by users of the radio spectrum requirements of normative legal acts regulating the use of radio spectrum, as well as the conditions of use of the radio frequency bands, radio frequencies and radio frequency channels in the Republic of Belarus, established by Commission decisions; consult on issues related to the competence of the sector, providing, if necessary, methodological assistance to specialists of the Ministry; ensures coordination with the authorized state bodies and BelGIE the use of radio frequency bands, radio frequency channels or radio frequencies to ensure the stay of official foreign delegations and prepare proposals on the introduction of a temporary ban (limit) on the use of radio spectrum, as well as the conditions of use of radio frequency bands, radio frequency channels or radio frequencies at carrying out the stated activities; considering coming to the Ministry of the complaints of citizens and legal entities on matters within the competence of the sector. PDF