The Integrated Index for Postal Development (2IPD) is assigned by the Universal Postal Union. It is an integrated index that provides a composite picture of postal development in all countries and regions based on four pillars: reliability, reach, relevance and resilience. All the data collected and processed accordingly determines the world ranking which is published every year. These four pillars provide a balanced view of postal development, without solely focusing on operational, strategic or societal matters. This enables the final score to comprehensively reflect the situation for postal services in any given geography.

The results of last ranking cover 170 countries.

Information is integrated into an algorithm delivering a general score between
0-100 for each country assessed. Using this score, it is possible to group the countries into four distinct categories: postal champions, good performers, potential performers, and least developed operators. The Republic of Belarus falls into the category of «Potential performer».

In 2020 the Index of the Republic of Belarus is scored 65.56 rising from the 21st to 20th place. Switzerland tops the list of ranking, followed by Austria and Germany.

The Integrated Index for Postal Development (2IPD) helps postal stakeholders to have all the information required, therefore, being a base for strategic and economic evaluation by the UPU.

Postal Development Report 2020

Source URL: https://xn--b1akbcqh2a7i.xn--90ais/news/15-10-2020-6799